By Anonymous - 11/08/2014 17:24 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was walking to a job interview. I needed to get rid of some gum but there were no trash cans in sight, so I spat it out on the ground. Next thing I know, some guy grabs me, sticks the gum in my hair, and walks off, muttering curses. I couldn't get it out in time for the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 51 471

Same thing different taste


What type of pig spits gum on the street?

whoever says ydi is heartless. everyone has spat out gum at least once, and so what if you didn't swallow it? unless you were inside. then you should have swallowed it. still, that guy was violent and thats not right.

You should not have done that but there is better ways then having some ass hole stick it in your hair

martin998877 12

You shouldn't chew gum. Have you ever looked in a mirror and seen how appalling it looks?

I wish there was a mixed button; a 'sucks to be you but you (kinda) deserved it'.

Helldemon 32

I just vote both when that happens.

could have just swallowed it its not dangerous

You completely desered it, litterbug.

Gum is biodegradable. I voted "your life sucks." What a dick.

Take another piece of gum and give him a taste of his own medicine. Then run. Run like you have never ran before.