By Rissa Warrington - 09/03/2012 08:30 - Canada

Today, I was walking to the bus in my favorite jeans, and I felt a uncontrollable itch in my leg. I scratched and it went away, but then I felt something moving on my leg. I hadn't worn my jeans in so long that a spider had decided to make it a nest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 842
You deserved it 4 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MeLuvBewbs 7

You will be the next Spiderman!


needsagf14 12

Wow. That's why when I find stuff from the attic I usually stomp it out...

I'd also like to know why you categorize them as your favourite jeans if you wear them that rarely? Also, always remember to shake your pants before you put them on :D

macboxx 0

I hate spiders. Im never going to wear pants again! LOL

If they're your favorite then why haven't you worn them in forever?

jaygallogly 2

Take a bath or something ... That's so nasty

Miaoudeminou 7

I don't check my clothes before I put them on. But how on earth are spiders getting in your pants!? Are you leaving them in a drawer in the basement/attic or out in the camper in the woods? I guess I wouldn't know 'cause I hang just about everything except socks & undies.

Same thing happened to me! except it was with a bee

megantaylor0412 4

That happened to me and then it fell out of my pants followed vy a kid next to me smashing it with his hands yelling die die die my techer leans over and says i everything okay over there