By Rissa Warrington - 09/03/2012 08:30 - Canada

Today, I was walking to the bus in my favorite jeans, and I felt a uncontrollable itch in my leg. I scratched and it went away, but then I felt something moving on my leg. I hadn't worn my jeans in so long that a spider had decided to make it a nest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 842
You deserved it 4 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MeLuvBewbs 7

You will be the next Spiderman!


Great...I'm taking a shit while reading this and now I'm paranoid that a spider will crawl up my ass.

I am now frantically checking my jeans for spiders

That's horrible! Spiders are scary as hell.

That makes me feel like I cant leave my pants alone now because spiders apparently like pant-nests... EW.

Do you ever wash does pants in while??

I don't think everyone meant that they hold an investigation to see what is hiding in their clothes, they more than likely mean they give them a quick shake.

Mackenzie99 6

I'd be so scared ! I hate spiders!