By stpdaziandude - 08/05/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was watching an animal behavior movie. All of a sudden, it brings up two snails going at it. I got hard watching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 903
You deserved it 45 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Komatose 0

Oh come on people. Snails are sexy as HELL! Especially since they're too slow to get away...

i think i've seen that movie. i gotta admit, it was some pretty hot snail sex.


MiniatureMayhem 0

In 6th grade we had to watch hyenas doing the dirty. Remembering some of the guys faces, they were being kinda turned on too.

WTF is wrong with you? that's nasty as hell

I'm not going to say that didn't happen to me too....

I just laughed for like 5 straight minutes...outloud. thank you. rotfl.


Why is everyone flaming him? He had the balls to admit something that made me laugh hysterically.

Anyone who agreed to this FML is either 9 years old, or a gay surprise butt secksing snail ******! OP, lose your virginity ASAP!

Snails have sex by wrapping long things that come out of their body together. how could that make you hard?