By stpdaziandude - 08/05/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was watching an animal behavior movie. All of a sudden, it brings up two snails going at it. I got hard watching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 903
You deserved it 45 019

Same thing different taste

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Komatose 0

Oh come on people. Snails are sexy as HELL! Especially since they're too slow to get away...

i think i've seen that movie. i gotta admit, it was some pretty hot snail sex.


lifeisabitch43 4

Gee, I hope it wasn't that snail from "SpongeBob".

Favorite FML. My friend in studyhall showed me this and the ex Marine teacher screamed at us cause I wasn't breathing.

Ouch. Go get laid. Maybe put her in a snail suit XD

mr_bad_ass_ 0

So what your saying is.... You wanna **** that snail

Hhmmm.. try picturing a couple of blind and semi-senile old men tryna have a gay encounter for the 1st time without being quite sure about how or what they're doing: They spend approx 4 hours cuddling, slow dancing and slobbering over each other to get in the mood, then another few awkward moments trying to join their protuding erections, after which they remain stationary for another few hours looking half dead n trying to get their breath back. Eventually somebody gets owned and slinks off with a spermy snail dart attached to their side!.. OK that's nothing like the image I depicted earlier but still.. Slightly interesting, definitely NOT on turning!

I hate to be a spoil sport but snails only go next to each other then shoot there sperm in. Fail!

Dude. I feel you. it's been so long since i've gotten any that i could see a dog hump someones leg and get turned on ahhaha .