By whoahshloann - 30/05/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, I was watching Harry Potter. When all the students at Hogwarts started to clap at one point, I started clapping myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 872
You deserved it 54 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, I've done this too... Harry Potter is great. :)

OP: Google 'mirror neurons' - it's natural to mimic what you see, like wincing when someone gets punched in the balls or smiling when others are smiling. S'called being human. :) At least your brain's intact?


hauntedmemories 0

ive clapped too. dont worry.

for some reason, i can't stop laughing at this

funsize003 0

seriously? if this is a problem to you, you need to get involved in some more activities haha.

nammz 0

this is not an fml. anything involving Harry Potter is amazing

lolololcheese 0

harry potter is made of AWESOME

omg fyl? dude ur lief iz tote ruinded

dontcare804 0

I've done the same thing. Harry Potter is win!

manoverboard 0

I always do that. Harry Potter pwns. :]

tiffanyyy93 0

dont feel bad. i do that for most movies its most embarassing in the movie theatre haha

zolitical 0

Way to separate reality from fantasy.