By Fuzzy - 08/01/2010 07:56 - Australia

Today, I was watching Star Wars : Attack of the Clones, and Yoda was using the force to move a heavy object. While in the middle of my loungeroom, I instinctively put my hand up to use the force to help him, infront of my father and sister. My sister will never let me live it down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 134
You deserved it 39 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Force choke your sister until she sees your point of view. That always works for me.

"Instinctively"? Either you are a huge nerd.or you have ******* awesome powers. You better hope for the latter.


I would've done the same thing!!! Star Wars being the greatest trilogy ever, I would've totally tried to do the force. Screw ur sister, ur a boss!!!

charlieohcharlie 12

Trilogy? What about episode 4-6 o:

Ahhh the force is strong with this one....

Bubbelz 25

Seems like someone has been practicing forcing in her room, a lot.

The prequels suck. Stick to the good ones. Though you never know if you can use the Force unless you try.