By Fuzzy - 08/01/2010 07:56 - Australia

Today, I was watching Star Wars : Attack of the Clones, and Yoda was using the force to move a heavy object. While in the middle of my loungeroom, I instinctively put my hand up to use the force to help him, infront of my father and sister. My sister will never let me live it down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 133
You deserved it 39 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Force choke your sister until she sees your point of view. That always works for me.

"Instinctively"? Either you are a huge nerd.or you have ******* awesome powers. You better hope for the latter.


YDI for watching the worst of the 6 star wars movies . Attack of the clones blows ass !

angelboy1992 0

You're kidding, it's the best out of all six!

Spac3Ghost 0

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuzzy, Your Life Dude!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! you rock girl =) hahahaha this is so funny, can totally imagine someone doing this!!!

Fuzzy your life? Your parents are lying to you, that's not what FML stands for.

That is exactly what FML means. How DARE you for trying to confuse Spac3Ghost! Fuzzy your life, TwoZeroOZ. Fuzzy your life forever.

TextingJuliet 0

32- "your parents are lying to you" for some reason I imagined Cheech saying this when I read it. Oh I laughed so hard! Thanks for being awesome! :)

lifeisaplay 0

ha ha. I help out during fist-fights.

AGGoddess 2

Ha ha! My boyfriend is a Star Wars lover too. He even created a Dungeons and Dragons Star Wars character for me. I like the movies but I don't have any intentions of playing. I still get a giggle out of it though.

That means you really are into the movie. That's why I like watching movies alone. So nobody interrupts and/or minimize et cetera.

Hm. Yeah, I don't think this is really an FML, you're just kind of taking ~freak~ to a whole new level ;D