By doesntkissalot - 28/08/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Dentyne gum commercial came on and stated that the average person spends more than 20,000 minutes kissing. I've spent less than three. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 331
You deserved it 6 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luigisf 0

10-that is right about...a *****. you're too young.


And...? I'm 23 and it's under 1 minute for me... mainly because kissing turns me off.

yaysmile 0

Wow, op, your life is so screwed because you haven't spent as much time kissing as a commercials says the average person has. its really not that big of a deal.

well look at it this way , you don't need to spend money on gum! you're giving consumerism the finger!:P

no one spends 20,000 minutes kissing dentin ice comersales are full of ******* shit

1. That "statistic" is based on a persons average life span and 2 if you have actually surpasses that statistic at age 14 I would have to say that you would be a *****.

GreenReaper 13

I'm 16, 0 mins kissing, 0 dates. I choose not to because the only guys I know are either gay or taken (or jerks). Is it even a true statistic? How did they calculate it?

yeah I have a younger sister who is 14. If i knew she was doing what these other kids say they do, I would not be happy at all. it's not something to be proud of, and you being proud of it shows how immature you really are. it's alright, OP. don't feel so down. you'll find that someone who will love you for you. life is so much more than that :)