By doesntkissalot - 28/08/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Dentyne gum commercial came on and stated that the average person spends more than 20,000 minutes kissing. I've spent less than three. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 331
You deserved it 6 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luigisf 0

10-that is right about...a *****. you're too young.


pster03 0

Yeah, in an entire lifetime...and you're what, 16? Give it some time.

You're not dead either. Stop your sooking... that stat will be in reference to an entire lifetime. I'm willing to bet you're nowhere near the end of a standard lifetime.

all you kids that think it's cool spending your time having sex, kissing, having oral at the age of 12-14 you guys are ******, you make it so vulnerable for date rapes to happen which isn't cool. smarten up and focus on school not your sex life.

Could you direct me to some research that discusses a direct correlation between being sexually active at a young age and becoming a rape victim?

shitthappened 0

its ******* kissing.. you all are freakin bout 10 jesus christ this is elementary shit

MeTaLhEaD231 0

who really counts how long they have.

You bastard! I was going to post this! Except I've clocked in 0 minutes. lol

thats okay im 18 averege looking and have spent none... so u have me beat.