By Anonymous - 15/09/2012 16:11 - United States - Olathe

Today, I was watching TV with my grandma. I said aloud, "Dang, that actor is hot." My grandma pointed out he was a spitting image of my cousin. I realized she was right, and that I may as well be attracted to my own cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 949
You deserved it 3 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can find someone attractive without being attracted to them. You may recognize your cousin is good looking doesn't mean you wanna jump his bones!

Apparently we are all cousins by about 100 generations.... So might want to check how far down the line he is...


I wouldn't really worry about it. You're in Kansas...

It doesn't matter who they are they can still be attractive

I don't get it. I've actually discovered almost all of my female cousins are attractive. But it doesn't mean I want to have sex with them.

OceanBlueSea 12

Haha I said that about an actor once and then my mom said that my brother looks like. I don't know what she was smokin but they don't even look anything alike. I still can't look at the actor the same though. Lol. Feel for ya OP.

I know how you feel…I can't like Shia Lebouf because he looks identical to my brother

I've never heard "looks like my brother" used to mean "is an idiot" before, that's interesting.

hateevryone 14

You don't have to think of it that way.

imratedG 5

we tend to be attracted to familiarity, even if we don't realize it at first :) so, it happens to all of us

Actually, it's very common to be attracted to people who look like they could be related to you. Also common to be grossed out when it happens and someone points it out to you.

joanngal 4