By The_FN_Gunny - 29/10/2013 22:31 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I was wearing a letterman jacket that had my school name and "Okinawa Japan" on the back. A high school kid walks up to me and says, "I can't forgive you people for bombing Pearl Harbor." I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 378
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said (if he was white) "I can't forgive you people for slavery."

Well kids these days not that much interested in details..


skyeyez9 24

Random fact: my mom's side of the family is from Okinawa, and my mom's uncle was a kamikaze pilot during the pearl harbor attack.

I don't know who told you that your mom's uncle was a kamikaze pilot during pearl harbor, but they were mistaken. The first Kamikaze attacks weren't launched until three years after pearl harbor, out of desperation as they lost air superiority, due to their aircraft becoming outdated and a lack of skilled pilots due to heavy losses during the war.

skyeyez9 24

I guess the picture of him in his flight uniform right before he flew off, never to be seen again is a halloween costume then????

SuperMew 22

Just because one died in the Pearl Harbor attack does not make them a Kamikaze Pilot. In the attack on Pearl Harbor, a Japanese pilot's plane was damaged, so with no hope of making it back to his carrier, he deliberately crashed his plane into a hanger on Hickam Field. At this time in the war there were no official or organized kamikaze attacks or pilots. They were not organized until late 1944. It would make no sense for the Japanese, who had smaller numbers and finite resources, to deliberately destroy their prized air force. They had the element of surprise, superior airplanes, and highly skilled pilots. Pearl was mainly attacked with bombs and torpedoes. The first Kamikaze attacks were at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Philippines in October 1944. Purpose-built Kamikaze planes (Tsurugi's, Ohkas etc) were first used in March 1945. So while your uncle might have died, he wasn't likely a Kamikaze pilot.

some people are just too ignorant to teach

JDCH_99 10

I'm shocked when high school students pay attention to anything that happened pre-August.

an3ph 20

I can't forgive you people for killing Jesus.

You should've told him, "I can't forgive YOU people for nuking us."

I guarantee if you ask anyone about Pearl Harbor someone would get something wrong...hence making their statement invalid... It's your jacket wear it if you want...

LoopyLuuLuu 7

Do you honestly believe that a single error always makes the entire statement invalid? Sometimes, maybe, but that's an awfully broad canvas you're painting there.

martin8337 35

And yet, this pinhead wasn't even born when Pearl Harbor was attacked.

Gotta love us Americans....Always show the world how smart we are