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By Nish - 30/10/2013 00:41 - United States - Kent

Today, I got my cats a new scratching post. They completely ignored it and tore apart the new felt on my pool table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 177
You deserved it 5 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Those are some obnoxious cats you have there. You should teach them a lesson by,pooping in their litterbox and hiding the nip. That'll teach em.

How about we cut off the tips of your fingers and see how you like it? Declawing is cruel and takes away a cats main defense, leaving them feeling vulnerable and angry. It's an awful procedure that should never be performed, painful as hell and messes them up psychologically. Cats come with claws and if someone can't handle that, they shouldn't have cats.


gotta cover that shit with catnip, then they'll attack it

nightowl713 25

That does suck. I know people are on the fence about declawing them, but if they are strictly inside cats, no harm done. You can also use a stay bottle of water when they misbehave. Good luck! I wonder if they have kitty training school like they have puppy training school? :)

Well as a budgie I am on the declawing as well as the de toothing commitee's respectively. I believe all birds should feel safe when in the presence of a feline critter!

How about we cut off the tips of your fingers and see how you like it? Declawing is cruel and takes away a cats main defense, leaving them feeling vulnerable and angry. It's an awful procedure that should never be performed, painful as hell and messes them up psychologically. Cats come with claws and if someone can't handle that, they shouldn't have cats.

sorry but how does this suck? 'oh life is so difficult with my pool table', it's like complaining his new Porsche got scratched

justmeCee 16

Declawing,even indoor cats, is mean. Would you like it if someone removed all your fingernails? It's all about spending the time to train the cat so they know they can't get away with that shit.

falon142012 22

Declawing is actually amputating the ends of the fingers of a cat. Sometimes they can't stand in their litter box without it hurting, so they potty somewhere else. They do become angry. Declawing is illegal in almost every cat-keeping country except America. THAT should tell you something.

Declawing is the same as cutting off the tips of your fingers..please look it up before you make comments based on not knowing the reality of it...there's always what are known as "soft claws" that are rubbery type things that are glued on the cats claws to prevent scratching but they have to be replaced every so often...many cats will stop using their litter box due to the pain (where the claws used to be) while trying to dig/bury plus it's easy for them to get infected paws.

Um, if they are primarily house cats, what do they need defense from, dust bunnies?

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Those are some obnoxious cats you have there. You should teach them a lesson by,pooping in their litterbox and hiding the nip. That'll teach em.

Even more proof of how worthless cats are. Get a dog. They can be destructive too, but they wii protect you and give you unconditional love. Cats blow.

knoxxx 22

that's a pretty terrible idea. if you shit in a cat's litter box that would just probably make them start peeing and ******** on rugs and carpet. cats tend to get defensive about the smell of their personal space.

Well it's a good thing we all have different opinions then, isn't there, #53? You see, it's my opinion that you know nearly nothing about the true nature of cats.

@53. My family has 5 cats in which they all use the scratching post and are all well behaved. One gives me as much unconditional love as any dog would their owner ( shes closest to me). Also have fun walking your dog in a blizzard early in the morning or late at night. (With the five we arent crazy people they are all rescues and we couldn't say no to them)

Cats go for whatever catches their eye. You have to make it clear that can't touch that and then put them by the scratching post. They will get it eventually. Sorry OP

Gingerette 8

They especially respond to the colors green and red as well, hence making most pool table tops reeeeeeeeaaaally hard to resist. I would suggest keeping them away from it. Or, since the felt is jacked up now anyway, maybe get blue or purple felt instead?

I feel like my cat hasn't got that. Before we moved our couch in she was all over the post, then the couch came and she abandoned it and went back to the couch. I think she likes the attention she gets from it, so I try to do like you said. Stubborn cat.

Cats are amazing creatures...and then there are the times you just want to throw them out.

That sucks balls! I felt bad after getting mine declawed, but you should take the cue and do it. I'm sure this comment will rack up the thumbs down from the anti-declawing people.

Uhm, there's a reason that declawing is forbidden basically everywhere in the world... It's beyond cruel towards the cat. If your cat destroys your stuff there are other ways like using certain scents they dislike or kitchen foil on surfaces (they hate the noise it makes), etc. You wouldn't hack off your toddler's hands because he keeps throwing your stuff around, I guess?

I would never inflict such pain on my cat. Even the thought of my cat having to use the kitty litter with freshly ripped out claws seems cruel. There is a long list of ways to protect your furniture. :P

LunaKitsune 19

Most people do not know how cats are declawed the vet removes the first knuckle on all the paws so,the claws do not grow back and that's the most common way but,there is one other way the vet can cut the tendon that let's the cats retract the claws and that can end up infected because,the cat can not retract the claws anymore and making it so the cat can not clean the claws. It is vary sad and you could just buy what is called soft claws there plastic claw caps that you or a groomer can glue on.

Great! Now I feel silly looking back and seeing those missed puns but I saw a pro- declaw comment and overlooked everything else. :P

Well...time to call that Chinese buffet

Seriously? You're going to post this right after the FML where everyone is talking about racism?

perdix 29

That "felt" good . . . for the cats, that is ;)

Mine do the same, OP. The house is scatrered with scratch pads and various toys, yet they find pleasure in destroying furniture and playing with bottle lids -_-

zRatio 6

We have box tops in the dining room so he can use thenm and tear it to shreds

Gingerette 8

This post hereby validates my reason for spending little to no money on pet toys. All they want are the simple things, so why buy the expensive things?

It's sad actually, spending all that money on said toys. At least when they aren't used, we give them to out little dog :)

Ugh! My cat is attracted to the felt on my pool table too. I alway have to remember to cover it or it'll get messed up with hair balls and scratches.