By The_FN_Gunny - 29/10/2013 22:31 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I was wearing a letterman jacket that had my school name and "Okinawa Japan" on the back. A high school kid walks up to me and says, "I can't forgive you people for bombing Pearl Harbor." I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 378
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said (if he was white) "I can't forgive you people for slavery."

Well kids these days not that much interested in details..


Am I the only one wondering why an American high school letter jacket would say, "Okinawa, Japan" on it?

sammyjanette 17

Maybe that's where it was made.

skyeyez9 24

There are American military bases in okinawa. Marine bases and some air force ones. They have families stationed there with them, and there are DoD American schools on base for their kids. Hence...the "okinawa, japan" written on the jacket.

It was probably a bit of sarcasam. I laughed, why can't you? (you can un-wad your panties now)

toalysium 15

Did he also blame you for the holocaust?

Oh no... those evil Japs! They bombed a military base! Which had significantly superior numbers! And an early warning system that DETECTED the attack (and was ignored) and a huge number of fighters which were left on the runways unarmed and unfueled. Its a good thing we responded in a much more ethically sound way and _blew a hole in two civilian towns_. I mean, maybe Pearl Harbor could be used as the shield of reason back then but... after dropping the bombs I think we lost the moral high ground.

I used to live in Okinawa! Miss it so much

JMichael 25

Send him back to history class.