By The_FN_Gunny - 29/10/2013 22:31 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I was wearing a letterman jacket that had my school name and "Okinawa Japan" on the back. A high school kid walks up to me and says, "I can't forgive you people for bombing Pearl Harbor." I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 378
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said (if he was white) "I can't forgive you people for slavery."

Well kids these days not that much interested in details..


blueandpurpleroc 4

You should have said, "Can't forgive people for stupidity and ignorance either."

Im impressed with the kid at least knowing that the Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. He was stupid to say anything, but considering that history classes are being cut, it's a start.

On the other hand, the student is in high school and should have more to go on than just who started it.

If he was Mexican this would be the best fml ever.

OMG it's exactly like when young Jewish say 'we suffered so much' when you make jokes about the Shoah. No man YOU didn't suffer ! Your grand parents or great grand parents suffered hell and that is awful but you didn't suffer a thing so STFU already !!

\ 28

There was another FML exactly like this one published a few weeks earlier. Something's not right

BluEyedLightning 7
myoukei 31

If that was a joke it was a piss poor one :/

Woah, what's with all the thumbs downs? Not saying I'd agree with making a joke like that even if it was mean as that, just a suggestion.