By hatemyjob - 25/02/2010 22:29 - United States

Today, I was working as a cashier at a restaurant. When I receive $50 and $100 bills I am required to have a manager check to make sure they are not counterfeit. Every manager I found yelled at me to find another manager because they were busy. Frustrated, I just accepted the bill. It was fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 583
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is your managers' faults for not paying attention to you. I hope you didn't get in trouble because of them.

NGM_47 0

I bet the person that gave you the money was pretty nervous too, in hopes that they wouldn't get caught. FYL.


DANG!!! how can you not know what to do to make sure???? FIRED MUCH.

ydi. a cashier that doesn't know how to check money? hold it up to the light and look for the counterfeit strip or the face of the president on the bill.... dumbass...

shopfitch 7

We have that rule at my place of work. However, we don't enforce it because every cashier knows what to look for.

YDI for not checking for the watermark YOURSELF. All you do is hold it up to a light and look for the face, not that hard

WickedClownMCL 1

If you get bitched at then be like, "Hey, i tried to tell you but you wouldnt ******* get off your ass and try it. Your job dipfuck not mine!" And walk out and quit. If you still want the job. Dont try that.

Everybody should know the difference between counterfeit and real money. It's not that difficult. You deserved it.

esb77 8

Back when I worked in fast food, whenever we had someone give us a $50 or $100, we used a special marker that shows whether it was a counterfeit or not. Took literally half a second to do, making my job so much easier.

those pens are very easily beaten. everyone know about them so counterfeit money is made to react like real money.

If its the managers job to check the bills, so it's on them and not you. However, there are different ways to check if it is fake or not or just get one of those markers and keep it on your person at all times.

I don't understand why people have to be so lazy. I mean. Just get it over with j stead if pushing it off to some other person. Then something like this happens.