By amburrr - 03/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I was working in my store. Right around closing, a lady came in to try some things on. I went to the back and when I came out, she was standing in the middle of the room with fluid coming from between her legs. I asked her if she was going into labor. She wasn't. She was peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 889
You deserved it 2 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... what do you say after that? Was she retarded? And I mean that seriously.


reminds me of one time when my mom owned a music store. some guy walked in and didn't buy anything. then as he was walking out, he pissed, in a line, all the way out the door. he had walked through half the shop to get to the door. my mom yelled at him and made him clean it up =P

iluvu21396 0

ew wtf thats totally disgusting

wow what the hell thats freaking disgusting!

Seriously, I'd turn around and quite my job, I would not clean that shit up. FYL OP.

slinkiess 0

wait, WHAT? did she even look pregnant? and peeing? wow this is just ****** up.

frannytrois64 0

Jesus that shit's gross! Well...they have diapers for dogs who are old and can't control the pee, so make diapers for old people :D

They do. They're called Depends, and the woman in the original post needs to learn to use them, evidently.

newagegoddess 0

You know what? I'd wager that lady was mentally ill. I work with mentally disturbed people and they do crazy things like that all the time.