By amburrr - 03/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I was working in my store. Right around closing, a lady came in to try some things on. I went to the back and when I came out, she was standing in the middle of the room with fluid coming from between her legs. I asked her if she was going into labor. She wasn't. She was peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 889
You deserved it 2 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... what do you say after that? Was she retarded? And I mean that seriously.


morgan020 0

that's gross. when I was working at a jcpenny in the shoe dept a mom came in with like 6 kids and just my luck the 2 that needed shoes had peed themselves it's was all over them the chair they were sitting in and the floor and the mom didn't give a shit and raised hell when I refused to help because I wasnt going to touch any of that. so in a way I know how you feel. FYL

OMG awkward!! HAHA I choked on my drink when I saw this!

YDI!! Stop complaining at least you have a job there is 50% unemployment right now, screw you

wow get your facts right theres no way in hell its 50%....its 9.5 so stfu you stupid bitch

You dumbass. At least get some facts before opening your mouth...

Sakeyaki 0

I hoped you kicked her in the gut and shoved her down a flight of stairs.

that_one_dude 0

What a bitch. She defiantely needs to be banned from that store.

wow omg i would hate to have to clean that up...btw love the name hahaa its also mi name minus 1 r =)

jess_00 0

lmao :) that comment just made my day