By jodafish - 08/11/2011 05:45 - Canada

Today, I was yelled at by a customer because I couldn't tell her where the vitamins were in the pharmacy. The manager came and yelled at me for being lazy and incompetent. I work in the store across the street from the pharmacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 600
You deserved it 2 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KennKenn 0

A simple explanation could have made them look like the idiots.

phoenixslayer69 4


ifeellikedying 0

I don't get why you didn't just explain to the lady or the manager that you were not even an employee there.

pantherflb66 0

How hard is it to say "Don't work here" ?!? Wtf man. Idiot.

do you work in a pharmacy too? cause then maybe they were asking about your store. if not, then quit cause your boss is a DICK

If you'd actually read the FML, you'd know it wasn't her boss.

do you work in a pharmacy too? cause then maybe they were asking about your store. if not, then quit cause your boss is a DICK

What I mean by that is, you would think a manager would know their.own employees.

Ari1337 15

So that boss couldn't tell that you were not dressed same as all his employees?