By CALIdime_15 - 05/05/2012 05:42 - United States

Today, I watched my boyfriend have a full on conversation with his penis. He also talks to his penis nicer than he talks to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 364
You deserved it 4 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't take it to heart. Maybe he and dicks just have more in common.


Better show his penis some respect and he'll probably talk nice to you aswell

_ebbonyy 11

13, Your photo is almost as off putting as your comment.

I phrased my comment poorly, i like my photo though

_ebbonyy 11

well at least you acknowledge it :-)

mandadarling 10

"Always I wanna be with you, and make-believe with you, and live in harmony, harmony... Oh... How long has she been standing there looking at us penis? What a freak."

"and I just tell 'em Hey! It's me and my dick." (hilarious musical on YouTube)

challan 19

Op, I hate to tell you this girl, but you will never make him as happy as his penis does. Same goes with your ******. Things you do for you ****** that you don't do for him: 1. Relieve it when it's full. 2. Wipe it off when it's wet or dirty 3. Wash it every day (we hope Op) 4. Round the clock nursing when it's sick once a month. 5. Pleasure it every time it wants it 6. Shave it 7. Buy it lacy clothes 8. Take it everywhere you go 9. Buy it toys 10. Invite friends over to visit it

He has to talk nicer to the penis - he's around his penis 24 hours a day. You he only sees every now and then. Imagine if he got on his dick's bad side - his penis could make his life a living hell. Getting caught in zippers, failing to get erect when he's with you, not to mention the STDs... You get the idea.

Get into the conversation and the three of you can be BFF.

eman1972 4

Was he just making small talk? That's just not normal.

I got yelled at for drawing a face on mine and making it talk to my ex, oddly enough, that's not why she dumped me. A penis is like a miniature buddy, teaching responsibility. You have to give it haircuts, rub it, make sure it's loved. OP's boyfriend may have overdid it, though.

What do you expect? He's got to spend the rest of his life with it! Gotta keep up the positive relationship!