By Purplexus - 02/01/2014 14:13 - Turkey - Ankara

Today, I watched my father attempt to light a cigar with the stove and end up burning off some hair and eyebrows. He tried to play it cool, said, "Haircuts are too expensive these days anyway." and walked out, his head smoking. This man is a college professor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 363
You deserved it 5 379

Purplexus tells us more.

Yes, this was my FML. Yeah, my dad is an awesome professor. Does anyone have any questions haha


cgart96 15

Fire. He meant fire. Some people pronounce the word "fire" like "fiya" jokingly. But you probably knew that and were just being a smartass anyways.

In a form of idiotic motives and ongoing rants. I guess so.

Moonlessnite 5

He sounds like a fun professor and dad. Much better than being boring.

MaFioso13 17

First time I've seen a OP respond to everyone's comments.

Glad someone pointed it out. Didn't know it was uncommon.

Your dad is amazing. What school does he teach at?

the roof, the roof, the roof is on fiya! oh, my mistake it's just the prof.

Makaze 12

This is neither an FML or you deserved it, your dad made a mistake a rolled with it, that's awesome and shame on you for trying to paint him as retarded.