By wags34 - 22/08/2011 14:57 - United States
wags34 tells us more.
Well, I've done everything from asking nicely to letting my dog go in his yard. We live outside the city and you really can't sue for something like this. It's just gonna be one of those neighborhood wars I guess. It's just whenever something so stupid like this goes on you can't help but think FML.
Top comments
tell him if he doesn't stop letting them have a poop session in your lawn you'll call the police so they can handle it or put a fence up. good luck with that.
Simple Solution. Sprinkle your entire yard with ground Black Pepper. It will not mess up your yard or kill any wildlife. It will simply do to dogs what it does to people, annoy the nose when sniffed. Dogs hate it since they sniff E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G and their sense of smell is stronger. It will not harm the dog at all. It will just annoy him and he will not want to come back to your yard. Sprinkle your yard every 4-6 weeks for best results.
The city should be able to do something to help. If nor put up no trespassing signs and call the cops when he trespasses
Pull a me myself and irene... You shit on his lawn
Try sprinkling pepper on your garden where they mess it up. It'll get on their paws and noses and give a little sting. Should deter them from doing they're business on your lawn.
get a shovel and a bucket. scoop them up and put them in your neighbor's yard where they belong!
1. Go over to his house. 2. Make sure he sees you. 3. Pull down pants. 4. Shit.