By AnnoyedWoman - 17/08/2014 10:19 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, I went camping with my husband not too far from our house. We got our tent pitched up, stove ready and roll-out bed out. He then said, "I'm just gonna go for a walk." It had been about an hour before I decided to go find him. He had walked home to play CoD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 453
You deserved it 5 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VengeanceChicken 12

Perhaps he decided to camp in CoD rather than with you?


teejay01 15

Take the camping 3hours drive away from home....

It's not camping if you are able to walk home.

We live out in the country and there are plenty of people camping within walking distance of us on the lakes.. So yeah.. Very possible.

And left you there alone? What an awful husband. I'm sorry you're married to him

Not really, I'd put him in the dog house for that shit.

Was it his idea to go camping? Lol. Next time he really wants you to do something with him, maybe you should 'go for a walk' too.. :)

Wow! That sucks for you FYL but I can't help but laugh at how epic your husband is! Haha

next camping trip make it several hours away and keep the keys,so you guys can spend a romantic trip together