By AnnoyedWoman - 17/08/2014 10:19 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, I went camping with my husband not too far from our house. We got our tent pitched up, stove ready and roll-out bed out. He then said, "I'm just gonna go for a walk." It had been about an hour before I decided to go find him. He had walked home to play CoD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 453
You deserved it 5 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VengeanceChicken 12

Perhaps he decided to camp in CoD rather than with you?


ShadowlessSpear 21

FHL for not knowing of a better game.

I seriously have to ask why this is getting down voted? A grown man addicted to cod is.... Strange?

A man can never be sperated too long from his gaming console XD. Next time just camp further away OP

What he has done is wrong at so many levels. It could have been a safety issue for OP

A safety issue? They were basically in their backyard.

next take your internet and hdmi cables with you when you do camping near by house..

What are they going to plug it in, a tree?

EveningShades 6

I don't know who downvoted this. I found it hilarious.

Am I the only one that doesn't call sleeping on a roll out bed camping? It's not as bad as "camping" in an RV, but still...

Aero_x 21

Can't say I really blame him. I'm a girl who loves that game, and when relatives try to make me go camping I hate it! Of course, he should have mentioned that. Or at least camped at a location away from your house.

Loving the game or not, a guy should know it's not good to abandon yo woman, especially over a game...