By Longhorn2011 - 17/06/2009 17:44 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Oops - 26/10/2018 12:00
By Anonymous - 19/11/2012 15:30 - United States
By RBHSWedgieGirl - 23/01/2011 01:35 - United States
By volleyballgirl - 28/02/2010 01:11 - United States
By BluesMan1990 - 16/09/2009 10:21 - United States
By Amanda Ross - 18/11/2010 23:12 - United States
By Samantha35 - 28/01/2019 20:00
Show off
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 09:00 - Algeria - Tipaza
By Christen - 19/02/2009 21:11 - United States
John Tucker would've known what to do.
By Dan - 09/10/2017 04:30
Top comments
Hahahaha I'm glad I didn't see you on the drag or anything. Just get to class really fast so you can get into the AC!! That's the only way you can beat the heat down here in Austin...
wow eww. texas and wearing pants next time go with boxers and shorts maybe..??
Texas Tech all the way!
OK, we get it/
I live in Texas too the weather does suck. FYL
it could be worse... Hook 'em!
You now have a bright future career ahead of you: plumber! Don't laugh. They make good money. People need you. Plus, you get to show off your butt-crack all you want.
unless it's summer time. then wait 8 months.
okay fine texas weather sucks in that it often hits extremely high tempuratures during the summer (which here lasts half 3/4 of the year) and it is often extremely unpredictable- hence the hurricane-like weather with golfball sized hail that hit last week. Also, during the 1/4 of the year that is winter, it can hit freezing tempuratures in the morning, and 85 degrees during the afternoon. Hook Em' bitches!!!!!!!!!!
Always wear underwear to avoid embarrassing situations..
That sucks. Texas weather is a bitch