By Longhorn2011 - 17/06/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I went commando because its 98 degrees and sweaty boxers are a pain. While walking to class at UT I heard a girl laugh behind me, I turned and flashed a quick smile and kept walking. It turns out I had sweat through my khakis and she totally could see my crack. Texas weather sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 992
You deserved it 48 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fmyalarmclock 0

Always wear underwear to avoid embarrassing situations..


purupuru 1

-.- Don't EVER do that. 1) It's gross. and 2) I don't want to accidentally see you. The weather does suck, it hits near 100 degrees daily in the summer and it's humid(for those of you that don't live near here), but wear basketball shorts or something, just as long as you have underwear it's fine.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Oh I know, Louisiana is the same way. I have a fan in my room and my mom has the air conditioner at around 65 I'm still hot. Not even UNDER the covers! It's a pain really.

cheerrunxc14 0

Hahah that is horrible I feel so bad for you:)

Was your butt crack visually clean at least?

awdorable 0

Was your butt crack visually clean at least?

dis_ooglie_nena 0

lmao.....hilarious.dat thnx.kuzz imma be goin to Texas dis now im SURE nt to go commando! FYL.

How does this have no thumbs down? I thought fml hated people that type that way.

texasattitude5 0

Only a teasip would go commando in khakis :-/

lol i say ydi u should have worn dark pants. but anyway, UT ftw hook em horns!

easylazy 0

I hate to think what the guy walking in front of you was thinking...

why would a guy walking in front of him think anything?

.... At least arizona doesn't have humidity...