By Anonymous - 04/10/2010 18:14 - United States

Today, I went jet skiing with my girlfriend of four years. I intended to propose to her. The $2000 ring fell out of my pocket and into the lake. I have no idea where it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 789
You deserved it 53 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Looks like it's time to take her scuba diving next.


That sux, I am a certified diver, if you weren't hundreds of miles away I would go down and get it lol, good luck

You totally deserved it for only spending 2000.

y would you only spend 2000 if you love her

luvyabunches 1

um y was the ring in ur pocket in the first place? shouldn't it have been somewhere safe? co- mm-on SENSE! but fyl

luvyabunches 1

ugh stupid spell corrector thingie ! I meant fyl !

Hollisterbabe11 0

first off screw all you people who are talking shit on the price!! it symbolizes his love for her and that he chose her to be his wife. second of all sorry OP that sucks but good luck to the both of you. hope things work out for you

hah who brings a ring jet ski-ing are you stupid or something you totally deserve it for being an idiot

EpicPwnageGuy 0