By CUCKOO - 26/10/2013 21:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a blind date. The girl seemed perfect for me, until I found out she says "lol" and "rofl" out loud whenever she laughs. She also believes sex screws with people's "spiritual energy", and that's why she'll never have it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 367
You deserved it 5 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that someone who says lol and rofl out loud messes with your spiritual energy!

Well, it will be easier to follow the "don't stick your dick in crazy" rule with this one.



sammyjanette 17

I don't think there's anything wrong with her ideas about sex. At least she was honest with you so that you could make an informed decision on how to proceed. The lol and rofl are a bit strange though.

It's her personal belief to not have sex, so whatever but anyone who says lol and Rofl out loud should be arrested.

I think that's the definition of 'not perfect for you'

Never expect too much out of a blind date...

nitrog100 21

Well, think of it this way: you're getting closer to meeting the right person. Last year, I was friends with a girl that was perfect for me, aside from the fact that she was a homosexual, and just 6 months later, I befriended another amazing girl that was unfortunately already in a relationship but also has major issues with commitment. I'd say gay<afraid of commitment...You'll get there.

nannygirl1990 6

wow. you definitely dodged a bullet there! the saying lol and ROFL might be able to be overlooked as annoying as that is but the no sex thing? nope. no chance of a happy healthy relationship there. I'm not saying sex is everything because its not, but it shouldn't be kept out of the relationship forever! its one of the best things a couple can do together!

Is it possible that the whole 'no sex' thing is just a test to see how OP reacts and to see if that's all he's looking for out of a relationship? I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility.