By CUCKOO - 26/10/2013 21:27 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By well okay then - 20/05/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary
By Anonycunt - 27/07/2013 16:30 - Germany - Bonn
The dead art of the PUA
By Anonymous - 25/02/2022 22:00
By clairebear104 - 19/09/2014 03:15 - United States - Louisville
Hey… you
By HOLY SHIT, A WALKING SNOWGLOBE - 09/12/2012 21:52 - United Kingdom - Dagenham
Bat out of hell
By goodeyesight - 11/10/2012 14:02 - Brazil - Sào Paulo
By OMFG I LOVE MLP - 24/08/2012 21:00 - Germany - Mainz
One of those people
By B-Ry - 25/11/2017 01:30
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 19:21 - United Kingdom
Old timey
By Anonymous - 06/09/2024 15:00 - United States
Top comments
I would date her. I have no issues against her beliefs
She is doomed to be forever alone!
That's ok,that just means she wasn't right for you.I think it's weird she says that stuff but I do feel that if she never wants to have sex,then there is nothing wrong with that.That is her decision in life.Relationships aren't about having sex,they are about being with the person you love.
That's ok,that just means she wasn't right for you.I think it's weird she says that stuff but I do feel that if she never wants to have sex,then there is nothing wrong with that.That is her decision in life.Relationships aren't about having sex,they are about being with the person you love.
****-blocked by a kook. Your life definitely does suck.
It was just a blind date. Who cares?
At least you found out early that she's bat crap crazy! Lol
What a ******* psycho... Well no, guess she's just a plain old psycho..
All I can say is wow to that and about the rofl and lol I have a friend who does that. Just keep looking you'll fing the one for you. I just started dating again so you never know just keep looking keep your head up you'll find her. And the sex thing its not a must have in a relationship dear!
She's probably that crazy because she's in denial of all her pent up sexual frustration. To anyone who says that sex is not a must, that's not a relationship. That's the friend zone.
Tell her that someone who says lol and rofl out loud messes with your spiritual energy!
Well, it will be easier to follow the "don't stick your dick in crazy" rule with this one.