By severedface - 22/05/2011 05:35 - Canada

Today, I went on a blind date. When I got there, I found out that the guy was a ventriloquist and was going to use his puppet to talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 369
You deserved it 5 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klovemachine 24
sourgirl101 28

Were you dating Jeff Dunham? Because he's funny as hell! "I kill you!"(:


That's exactly what I was thinking! I guess it can come in handy to have a 11 year old can recognize fake FMLs :P

[insert witty comment about getting wood here].

FMLsOhilarious 6

I hate ventriloquist dummies. They freak me out. You know how some people are terrified of clowns? Well I have no problem with clowns but I do with ventriloquist dummies. I probably would've left right away. Fyl OP.

for some reason I don't think is happened considering the fact that it happened in like 3 movies and 18 tv shows... but I gues u never know ... womp

Should teach you not to blind date, although I'm sure after a few drinks I think you could have had a pretty interesting time. I can only imagine the kind of dumb shit you could get him to do. A bit creepy though, maybe a better idea to just roll out.

This could make for a real interesting video or illustrated FML. Anyway, OP, at least it'll make for a good story for many years to come. ^_^

Was his name Chuck? And was the dummy's name Bob?

glitchedgamer 0

He can make his penis talk to spice it up in the bedroom.