By OhDear - 24/02/2011 20:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a guy who seemed to be quite the gentleman. I was proven wrong when he told me to "shut it" during dinner, stiffed me on the bill, and then left me at the restaurant so he could get his own taxi home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 867
You deserved it 5 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Saiyza 4

He was probably just in it for the meal.


The only part that's wrong is that he told you "shut it". I hate when girls think gentlemen are people that will suck up for them and pay everything for them and not leave them alone, too many princess movies and wet dreams I suppose.

Good thing it was only a date. There wasn't a lot of time or emotional investment. He doesn't sound like second date material. What on earth was the discussion in the restaurant that made him change so suddenly. At least he could have explained that much.

As soon as he told me to "shut it", I would've gotten up, possibly stuffed some food in his face, and leave his sorry ass at the table.