By Jaime - 31/03/2014 22:05 - United States - New York

Today, I went on a first date with a guy I met online. Not only was he boring, he twice excused himself to go to the bathroom and both times he came back smelling of weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 395
You deserved it 6 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he thought you were boring :/ it works both ways you know

"I was gonna get a girl, but then I got high...."


Ohh that's just stone cold... *cricket* Anyone? No? Ok I'll go.

The biggest problem I see here is that he didn't offer to share!

My question is why you stuck around after his first weed break. If it was the turn off you imply in the FML, I would not have forced myself to endure it. Having known too many potheads in highschool, I don't even bother being polite about it. The stuff stinks. I'll straight up say 'that weed smell is giving me a headache. I'm going to have to leave. Now.' And if they don't like it, it's no loss for me to not be in their company.

I agree with you there. I had a few friends who'd get together and pass it around, then they'd ask me to try it. I'd say, "No, thanks," and let them continue while I took notes on their interactions. Then, I was pretty much shamed by my parents and in-laws when I confessed to them that I'd never tried it. Can't stand the smell of the stuff; it's like being around someone who smokes cigarettes or cigars. I will say that cigarillos, on the other hand, smell like hot cocoa; it's the only kind that's the least bit tolerable.

Axel5238 29

Sorry to hear that OP. Sounds like you dogged a bullet. I could see someone not finding it attractive. I used to have a few friends that smoked and l've never known anyone that smoked that actually kept it "recreational" /weekends. They have always gone overboard with it by mid to late twenties they just seem kinda sad and liability ( driving while high, smoking every day...)

As a toker I generally don't date a girl that doesn't partake. Just makes things less complicated. It's generally something I bring up before I ask them out.

smartjaguargurl 17

It's ok, OP, I'd be upset if he didn't offer to share too.

Just ignore all the dumbass ******** stoner assholes here. Eventually they'll all be either dying alone and forgotten in mommy's basement and/or sucking dick to pay the rent, your date included.

ninety 25

Weelll, I would say it applies to the majority of the stoners I personally knew. 26/27+ year olds still living at mommy and daddy's, blowing pay checks or child support on lifestyles they won't give up in order to take care of themselves or their kids. I'm sure everyone here is the exception to the stereotypes, though.

Not every stoner lives with there parents allot of ppl are successful like myself I own my current house and I'm building a new one, smoking weed has nothing to do with living at home with parents