High times
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Jaime - 31/03/2014 22:05 - United States - New York
By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 14:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 18:30 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 01/01/2016 11:37 - Australia
By Anonyme - 06/04/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 16/12/2018 03:00
By goodeyesight - 11/10/2012 14:02 - Brazil - Sào Paulo
By rokkstarrrVRV - 28/12/2013 08:42 - Canada - Edmonton
By Anonymous - 19/03/2023 22:00 - Australia
By Juanna - 13/01/2010 08:07 - United States
How was the rest of the date?
must've been pretty trippy.
what is so bad he was so hubgary he went to macdonalds and got hash browns you probably wouldn't even feed him your so sell fish and judgemantal in your own little word think of someone uther than urself. can u do that? U will be doing us all a fave
Lol 39!!
Hash Brownies.... Not browns
Please try again 39
uhh what's the difference? exactly there's not 1 didn't think so k thx bai
what a troll I don't even now thy are u like calling me a big nose with red hair an grumpary and lives under bridges I don't like that and I don't look like that so pls don't judge me ugh
It was...magical... Well, it was probably more fun for the date than for OP, depending on just how many brownies we're talking about. Once it gets to a certain level, it can be pretty boring for the sober person, since they'll neither be mystified by the simple things tripping out the high person, nor will they be able to have a conversation that makes much sense. Anyway, hopefully your date wasn't too annoying. If he was just nervous, maybe if you give him another chance you'll get to know the real him.
Uhhh if a guy does drugs to even meet you imagine what they're like normally. Debt and ****** up lives... No thanks.
84, We're just talking about weed here. Not any sort of hard drug. Half the people you know and respect probably smoke weed and you wouldn't even know it. I will now bring up my go-to example, and say that you can hardly call Carl Sagan's life "****** up". He's ****** Carl Sagan! Many other examples out there. If OP's date had taken a sip or two of beer to ease his nervousness before going out, I doubt you would be saying the same thing.
Carl who?
Hey shroomsonacid I noticed your picture shows emphasis on the third eye What do you think about trippin in relation to the third eye? I mean trippin... Not weed uppers or downers or dilutionals
How do I do that? Would you be down to talk about that? I just haven't met anyone other tan me and this other guy that take trippin too seriously
Aight man I'll hit you up when I get to my computer
Ahh the zoo. The one place that can cheer me up after a horrible day :)
Stupid ****. Marijuana is less of a drug than alcohol.
84 - completely agree, drugs are the biggest deal breaker ever, such a turn off.
Pot-smokers annoy the shit out of me, usually!:/ I have the fear of drugs, so that could explain it!
165 are you really that stupid? alcohol has always been a drug, as well as tobacco, caffeine, and most of what you have in your medicine cabinet. just because it's legal doesn't suddenly make it a non toxic substance.
why didn't you ask him for some
165 A drug is something psychoactive So if you feel anything it's a drug Whether its coke or coffee All drugs man... I think your getting confused with narcotics Ignorant people think narcotics are illegal drugs but narcotics are actually just like opiates and opioids and such
This is true guys whether you like it or not, girls look for stability and security in guys, and drugs are often often associated with bad news, isntability, domestic problems, insecurities, etc.. Girls dont want to get involved with a stoner, simply because they are lazy and dont do much. Not a generalisation, its true. Weed is good, but not every week. Consuming it, especially in such a strong/powerful form before a date is a completely witless move, and to be honest he sounds a bit clueless, this girl aint goin back for round 2.
I didn't mean to comment
165- Figures you're so stupid, your picture is of the most horrendous band alive...
Nothing like special brownies and a trip to the zoo!
Or "man I have the munchies. That lion looks delicious!"
"Holy crap! Monkeys have tails"
"Holy crap! Monkeys have tails"
Or the aquarium:)
Its really retarded when people talk about weed as if it makes you see things like unicorns, its not like its ******* acid..
Of course not, people who talk about it like that obviously have not smoked it before, and are rather just giddy about it because the hope to try it one day.
For someone who knows something about weed, you seem very uptight and unable to take a joke.
Sorry, but I just think people give weed a bad name when they talk about it like that, and we already have enough fuckwits in society who think weed is evil..
Also, it is possible to hallucinate on weed in large enough quantities (more likely if you eat it rather than smoke it). True it isn't the type of hallucination where you see unicorns but it can cause your vision to distort among other things.
92, It irks me a little bit too, but we have to remember that not everybody smokes pot, and that some people who do aren't the brightest bulbs in the world. For others, the only knowledge they have on the subject is ignorant propaganda, and they may not even be aware that information is false. Then again, these were jokes regardless, so it's not much of a big deal.
Beach boy here sounds so awesome about knowing what it feels like to take drugs. Boy you are so cool I want to be just like you when I grow up...
My father has threatened me of my computer if he every caught me with weed. *Forever alone face* The world would stop spinning if that were to happen.
Acid doesn't make you see unicorns either..
183 - Sorry to burst your bubble, but it seems you've never dropped (good) acid. When walls start melting, there's a very good chance that a unicorn could be standing right behind one.
127- not everyone "takes drugs" to be cool, asshat.
Some people are blowing my joke way out of proportion. I know that weed is not hallucinogenic and was simply making a joke. I know weed just makes you relaxed and makes everything taste,feel,look,and sound better and have experienced the effects before so please don't assume I am ignorant because of a joke.
The first time I took acid, I saw Cthulhu emerging out of the sea and devouring an island while the walls were melting and spreading across the sea like an oil spill. That was the first hour of my 11 hour trip. It was a good day.
That's a really good idea. Thank you
I know right! Now just to get someone else to pay for them. 0_o
yeah, i'm gonna write that one down
Mmm, hash brownies!
Perhaps they were nervous and needed a little boost ?
They? How many people do you think she was going on a date with?
One. #4 is probably just being gender-neutral, either because he/she didn't look at the gender specified on the FML, or did and decided not to assume that she was heterosexual.
Gender neutral would be "he or she" but saying "they" amuses me more in this context. Today I went on a date with a group of stoners to the zoo.
Hash makes me paranoid when I'm nervous.
Look I guess it's grammatically possible to say 'they', but honestly, I think you're giving 4 way to much credit concerning his possible intelligence..
Not only is it grammatically possible, it's highly likely he was using the singular form of 'they', as the sentence clearly makes sense. It is funny how you question #4's intelligence as the only likely scenario, because you couldn't understand the meaning yourself.
What's the worst that could happen? Lol
Seems like he'll be more entertaining than any of the animals in the exhibit!
Oh crap, hope he didn't try to wrestle a bear or something.
or name a band..
At least he didn't fire up a pipe in the car while driving there. It probably could've been worse.
What's with the shrugs*??
*shrugs* not sure...
Oh look, that snake with wings is eating a rainbow sparkle chinchilla!
Nothing like special brownies and a trip to the zoo!
That's a really good idea. Thank you