By hannaholic - 03/07/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I went on an excellent first date. After the 'end of the date kiss' came, "I suppose this is where I tell you that I'm married." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 533
You deserved it 4 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell his wife-she deserves to know her husbands a cheating creep.


Miss_Mar 0

Well, who knows ? Maybe you two will fall madly in love & live happily ever after, ya know ?

milgalo 0

Get married, and then get cheated on, right? :]

Kristoffer 35

That sucks. At least he was honest sooner than most cheaters would be (most wouldn't fess up unless caught) - not that that makes it right.

Oooohhhh I get it lol yea seriously do not be the bitch that everyone hears about that pulls a relationship apart. Would you like to get cheated on?? Either cut things off now or let him understand it ends here unless he legally turns single now. Or you're a bitch ass *****.


Nothing wrong there. Give the ass up!

ouch.. this kinda happened to me.. but it wasnt on the first date.. it was after sex.. oh and trust me.. i told his wife.

so.... what if he just said that so he didn't have to see her anymore, maybe she was a bad date or maybe it was the only thing he could think of so she wouldn't try to contact him anymore.

englandrulz 0

Oh MY God!! That's....weird. Disspointing too. But I also agree with #48. That could be true. But if he really was married, WOW. That's all that I can say

now this needs to be more clear is it your husband and this was your "First Date" or you were cheating if it was you and your husbands yes FYLR but if not well you were an idiot

This woman went on a first date with a man. At the very end of the date, the man confessed that he is already married.