By firstdategoals - 08/06/2015 03:35 - United States

Today, I went on my very first date. We went out to eat dinner and everything went great! Afterwards, I went to drop him back off at his house. I backed out of his driveway and got stuck in a ditch. His dad had to come out and tow me out. So that's how I met my boyfriend's parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 182
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste


Sounds like you're jumping ahead a bit... Not sure "first date" makes him your boyfriend!

I dunno, my ex and I were boyfriend and girlfriend before we went on a proper date together.

MrsHaxxo 22

FML's always have to start with today, so it might have been a longer while ago.

Or maybe he asked her to be his girlfriend on the date. that's not uncommon.

I thought the same thing at first, then I thought that maybe this is just their first date as boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe they dated a few times, then he asked her out, then they went on their first date officially being together. Or like someone else said, maybe they just hung out with friends all the time, he asked her out, and this is their first date alone. I hope it's not that she's just assuming they're boyfriend and girlfriend or that could get real awkward real fast.

You must have missed the part where OP says it was her very first date.

jacky75_fml 21

Guess you were too eager to get away before his parents see you hence you drove into the ditch. Poor you, now you have to face them and embarrassed by all this. Well, maybe it turn out to be a good thing.

If they have your back for the first day forward that's a win in my book!

kidtoy 18

That's one way to meet them

Uh, one date doesn't make him your boyfriend.

MrsHaxxo 22

FML's always have to start with today, so it might have been a longer while ago.

She mentioned it was her very first date tho.

37- Yes well maybe he's her boyfriend now, but when the incident occurred they'd only been on one date

Better than how my Mother met my ex for the first time. I got my hand stuck in the car door and broke several fingers, so I called my Mother as I was in a lot of pain (normally have a high pain threshold). So I spent a couple of hours in A&E (Accident & Emergency) stuck between my then partner and Mother, and they took the piss out of me and told each other embarrassing stories about myself. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

well, now you know they are helpful.

mads_nicole 19

I know your pain OP! I ran over a light at the end of my boyfriend's driveway not 18 hours after his mom spent hours of hard work putting them in...