By Anonymous - 01/01/2011 05:29 - Canada

Today, I went out for New Year's. When I got back, I found my house had been broken into. I found a note saying, "Happy New Year, sucker." FML
I agree, your life sucks 730
You deserved it 50

Top comments

perdix 29

You Canadians are so polite! American burglars usually pepper their missives with gratuitous obscenities, but yours only used the mild "sucker." I'll bet he swept the glass from the window he smashed into a nice, neat pile before he left with your stuff.

At least he didn't: A)accidentally kill your cat B)steal your cake C)walk in on you masturbating Be grateful.


noto_fml 0
iSitt 0

maybe the thief posted on you facebook

sugarr0babby0 0

*Maybe *your *Facebook. Sorry, I was bored. :)

fakeaccountX 6

I hope you enjoyed my note as much as I'm enjoying your stuff.

babyshelton09 0

u know if that's really u in that picture, u ain't gotta post grammar corrections on FML when ur bored, I would gladly, without hesitation, make it my sole priority to help u occupy ur time in a much more enjoyable manner. :)

You know, if the bad grammar of the previous poster got her annoyed, perhaps you should use correct language when you attempt to pick her up. Just a helpful hint. I wouldn't want her thinking that you were a giant moron that's not worth her time.

Aww, at least he wished you a happy new year? That has to count for something! Or maybe not :( FYL, OP.

Damn, what's with these thieves and them writing letters.

meliz37 1

i think they are trying to be more decent.... even though they are still stealing... lol

Lol, true.. but decent how? They're still robbing. :[

perdix 29

You Canadians are so polite! American burglars usually pepper their missives with gratuitous obscenities, but yours only used the mild "sucker." I'll bet he swept the glass from the window he smashed into a nice, neat pile before he left with your stuff.

I was broken into in Canada. the guy came back, said sorry, gave my shit back then turned himself in. o Canada!

perdix 29

6*6, that is such a precious story. Your country is just adorable!

babyshelton09 0

haha hey perdix u know wats funny bout American burglars? the black ones will steal ur shit and blame it on the mexicans, the mexicans will steal ur shit and blame it on the blacks, white people will steal ur shit, then help u look for it! come over after the whole scene and offer u some hot cocoa and cookies to cheer u up.

mintcar 9

Caring thief is caring. He probably stole the pen he wrote the note with.

ruby84 1

I love a dark sense of humor lol

At least he didn't: A)accidentally kill your cat B)steal your cake C)walk in on you masturbating Be grateful.

sourgirl101 28

Damn DocBastard! That "ginkgo biloba" is doing wonders on that memory of yours.(:

talktomandybaby 8

what if they didnt have a cat?;D

talktomandybaby 8

be more accurate with your posts;D

It had to be an inside job. How else would the thief know your name? Since he's probably watching you at all times, you should purposefully have a terrible New Year just to spite him.

sourgirl101 28

I had a friend boosting on their FB that they were spending the whole weekend in the Florida Keys. No surprise they came back to a robbed home. That had to be one of their contact people that read it and knew their house would be empty.

Come on, sourgirl101! That's not the only way to know when people are going some time away. That happens since long before Facebook was invented. And even if not, there's a lot of people who make public a lot of information on Facebook whether they know or not. And if your friend was boosting it out, who knows where else s/he did as well. People leak so much information these days...

sourgirl101 28

Watch out for when they return in a few months. Thieves have been known to strike the same house again, after you replace the first things they stole.

BlahLand 0