By gotnogame - 31/01/2011 03:13 - United States

Today, I went out with a girl I like. After a movie, we went to McDonald's. There was this couple making out. The girl I was with remarked about how lame it would be to go to McDonald's on a date. I thought we were on a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 060
You deserved it 37 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be so bloody cheap. Take her to Olive Garden or something.

FMLephant 2

Real dates don't have drive-thru windows. Take her some place nice next time OP.


SexiiHispana23 1

I like McDonald's that would be a good enough date for me

MorenitaLove14 0
Phoenixgirl27 1

I love McDonalds, but I still wouldn't bring anyone there on a first date O.O Maybe after I got to know them, but not on the very first one.

Damn and after you spent $1.50 on her, someone's spoiled

screw it, just take her someplace else another time, and this time make sure it is an acuall date rhis time, who knows, she might say yes.

awe babe :( that's rough. and never ever ever take a girl you actually like to a place like Miley D' doesn't show that you care and are willing to spendoney on her cause she's worth it

I'm just guessing here but U said something like a casual "hey wanna go out" ya don't do that make it clear that it's a date o and on the first date some place nicer helps too

OK. After your movie was it your idea or hers to go to McDonalds!? If it was your idea then you made a bad choice! If it was her idea, then she evidently didn't think you guys were on a date to begin with and maybe she doesn't like you as much as you like her.

G35tuner 0

Why not someplace like chipotle if you getting food. Not high class but I hate olive garden.