By gotnogame - 31/01/2011 03:13 - United States

Today, I went out with a girl I like. After a movie, we went to McDonald's. There was this couple making out. The girl I was with remarked about how lame it would be to go to McDonald's on a date. I thought we were on a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 064
You deserved it 37 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be so bloody cheap. Take her to Olive Garden or something.

FMLephant 2

Real dates don't have drive-thru windows. Take her some place nice next time OP.


sammy9694 2

you totally deserved it...who would ever take some one on a date to mcdonalds?! oh wait , a cheap ass like you!

What are you 10? It doesn't have to be a 5 star restaurant, but if you're going to do something do it right. No girl wants to be sitting in a greasy fast food place with little kids screaming and fryer alarms going off every five minutes. If you have no money go for a walk to a park or beach and get ice cream or something to drink. Or get your food to go and go somewhere with some atmosphere. Going to McDonald's for a first date is like getting your wedding dress at Wal Mart. YDI for having no class.

TheZarola 10

I couldn't put it any better. If money was the issue, OP, you should have just saved up for another time. YDI.

tatibaybee 0

sucks fOr yuh ahah why wOuld yuh take a qirl Out On a date to mc Donalds in dha first place foo

Suziecakes 0

You probably were on a date until you decided to take her to Mc Donald's....

Your user name says it all. Next time show her some fucky dance moves ;) that wins my heart

Personally, I wouldn't care too much where the date takes place as long as I like the guy. But I do think that the first date should be something special.. More so than a date at McDonalds.

stephy_babesz 0
uncbballwins 0

You've never had a burger until you've tried Five Guys

i would have just stuck with the movie, buddy... |the kid|

KattAlex 4

A date really shouldn't be about where you go or what you eat. It should be about getting to know the person weather it is in a high class restaurant, a fast food joint or even just at their house eating junk food while watching cheesy 80s movies or playing Rock Band.

That's actually part of getting to know a person. First impression, my friend. Every little detail counts.