By Ania - 15/10/2011 05:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my mom. I went into my department and tried on some clothes. After a few minutes, there is an announcement that a child has gone missing. Staff are searching the store. I see my mom and she hugs me in tears and yells, "I found her!" I'm almost 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 893
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments


thats embarassing but she has the right to be worried...she has taken care of you and raised you for 17 years and she doesnt want anything bad to happen to you :)

thats embarassing but she has the right to be worried...she has taken care of you and raised you for 17 years and she doesnt want anything bad to happen to you :)

You could have pretended that you didn't know her...

Why on Earth would you pretend to not know your own mum.. That would b Hella' mean.

Did you tell her you were going in to try some clothes, OP? The FML implies you just walked off. My parents have no problem with me going off to look around by myself so long as I tell them before I go, rather than just disappearing. Thats perfectly reasonable. Your mom over-reacted a bit, to be fair, but you do make it sound like you just wandered off without letting her know.

Jamicianprince 1

That's happened to me bit I am 13 still I know how you feel

You're 13? You look older, and in your "about me" section it says you are 6 foot tall, and a weapons expert, don't lie about your age you creeper.

Jamicianprince 1

I been studying guns since I was 9 so yeah and my cousin owns a gun range

Still doesn't explain the being 6 ft at 13 and looking like you're 20.

Jamicianprince 1

I get that a lot but I am just tall

I knew a seventh-grader who was at least 6'2 a few years ago... Once he dressed up for a play as a man in uniform, and I actually bowed my head in respect before realizing it was a costume. Also, I'm the same age as Jamacianprince, yet people think I'm at least in my sophomore year because I have a very tall, lanky structure. tl;dr it can happen.

Fair enough, but look at his picture now, and tell me that he is 13.

I'd believe it. He looks just like some kids in my old school.

LadyLexi 0

54 - Hyperbole and a half (pic), awesome :D When I was 13 I looked older than my age too...don't b hatin people >:(

marpay 11

Look at his face, just the look on it proves his age. He looks like a big kid.

Just cause he's tall doesn't mean he isn't 13, when I was in 5th grade we hade a kid in our class that was 6'1" some people just hit their growth spurt early.

TraceCase_ 19

Well, Jamaicanprince, it's safe to say, you're so big no one in their right mind would try and kidnap you these days. Also, you should be easy to spot from any location in a store.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Forget how old he looks in his picture- who's parents let them mess with guns at age 9?

Jamicianprince 1

Well I come from military family

RainbowHeadache 2

Oh wow. For me, you look a lot older than 13 but I grew up in a small town with the fishbowl effect so I don't see too many people like you. Lol I can say, however, that if you are 13 you seem a lot more literate than practically all the 13 year olds I know. Even most 16 year olds actually. Kudos to you good sir.

69 (teehee) - thanks! 90 - So do I, but I've never handled a gun in my life.

I don't think it would be possible to describe the rage I would have felt at that moment... You should probably have a sit-down with your mom and talk about her backing off. Although, if she's anything like my mom, she will attempt to give you a 10:00 curfew when you're 30 years old visiting home over summer break from college, her reason being "I can't sleep until I know you're home!"

I think it depends on the situation. If the OP asked her mom if it was okay to try on some clothes while she did something else and the mom agreed then three minutes later raised the alert for a missing child- then I could understand her being angry and it would be a FYL. But it sounds like they were shopping together and; A) OP wandered off or told her without making sure her mom heard her B) The OP was half an hour trying on clothes when her mom thought she was just looking at them and expected her back in ten minutes or so (time flies when you're having fun) C) Mom went looking for OP and couldn't see her where she was supposed to be (because she was trying on clothes) and panicked.

RainbowHeadache 2

I think it's cute that my mom tells me to call her when I go somewhere so she knows I got there okay. When I was little I'd wander off in Walmart but my mom never freaked out because when I was done looking around I'd go to the front & have them page her. Lol Probably not the best thing for her to do. I actually still do it sometimes to embarrass her. Never fails. As over the top as it seems you're never too old to be kidnapped. It's less likely an older kid or adult would be kidnapped in a public like in a Walmart or something but it happens.