By rejectedmidair - 13/11/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, I went through with my elaborate plans to propose to my girlfriend with creativity. I took her skydiving and proposed in midair. She rejected it. Why? She wanted a more "traditional" proposal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 217
You deserved it 7 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.

Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.


OP, if you don't know what kind of proposal your girlfriend is down for you are not ready to marry her. You obviously don't know her that well. Oh, and she is a douche. That's the most awesome proposal I've ever heard of.

Dieromantic85 0

Unless she's into adrenaline, that proposal didn't fit... BUT she still shouldn't have said "no." You still proposed. She could've asked you to propose again, as soon as y'all were on the ground. (That's what I would've done because it would've given me time to calm down from the jump.) I'm with the others here that say you got a preview that she only wants what she wants, and if you don't do it her way, you're out of luck. My advice is to dump her and find an adrenaline junkie like you are, or get to know her better and then decide if you still want to be with someone who always has to have everything her way.

Fake: Mythbusters proved that you can not talk mid air, due to the wind factor and the noise level. Nice try though.

Vrathal 0

If you'd read the other comments, you'd realize it is possible. After the parachute opens, you can talk. You could hold up a sign in free-fall. You could have a giant sign on the ground that says "Will You Marry Me?" Nice lack of imagination, there.

Everything is for the best man. You can now realize that she's ****** up. You're lucky to realize that before it's too late. Good luck

perdix 29

I don't like to be the Grammar Police, but your non-use of a comma confused the hell out of me. Since this is about a marriage proposal and you wrote: "Everything is for the best man." I was wondering what you meant that everything being for the "best man" at the wedding. I was the best man at my brother's wedding, and I didn't get shit! When I finally did some editing and read it as: "Everything is for the best, man." It all made sense. Oftentimes, picking out people for grammar is pedantic crap, but this time, a comma made all the difference.

She should consider herself lucky. I basically got proposed to in a text message. Ultimately engagement was what I didn't dare say no considering the first time he proposed I declined waiting another 2 years wasn't an option. Make her suffer OP now she'll wonder when you'll do it 'her way'

God, women like that should be avoided like the plague. You think this is bad, wait till you start planning the wedding...

I agree it would be a cool proposal, but if you are ready to marry your girlfriend wouldn't you know what she likes...

SeximusPrime 0

What a demanding bitch she is.