By alliegator_13 - 17/10/2011 14:14 - United States

Today, I went to a concert. I got into a fist fight with a drunk girl. My older brother tried to pull me away from her by holding both my arms back. I spent the last half of the concert in the hospital because I couldn't shield my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 576
You deserved it 7 883

alliegator_13 tells us more.

alliegator_13 0

I'm a girl and yes my name is Allie. I tried to push him off of me but army dudes are tough. He was trained to fight and he still got his sister beat up. Haha. It's ok, I'll get even.

Top comments


p71interceptor 6

Never fight a drunk person leson learned

hateevryone 14

why would he pull your arms back? he should have pulled your body away from her.

It's not your brothers fault. YDI for getting in a fight in the first place. Any chance it was a bogan concert?

YDI, if you get into a fight with pretty much anyone you're bound to get hurt

r33maluvsu 0

Drunk people are rowdy, so i don't blame op trying to defend herself from someone inititating the fight. Of course, if op started it then it serves her face right.

evilteddybear 0