By alliegator_13 - 17/10/2011 14:14 - United States

Today, I went to a concert. I got into a fist fight with a drunk girl. My older brother tried to pull me away from her by holding both my arms back. I spent the last half of the concert in the hospital because I couldn't shield my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 576
You deserved it 7 883

alliegator_13 tells us more.

alliegator_13 0

I'm a girl and yes my name is Allie. I tried to push him off of me but army dudes are tough. He was trained to fight and he still got his sister beat up. Haha. It's ok, I'll get even.

Top comments


Smarrtt_ass17 0

Uhmm you coulda hit her with your head... Dumbass

And busted her head open?? Great idea!!! Lol

Ang3lBo0ty1895 0

should have started kicking her

If I was your brother I would of pulled that crazy bitch off u instead

The_Shy_Girl 3

For starters, your brother needs to let you fight your heart out! If that doesn't happen, well all i can say is, kick your brother to get free. Next, you just beat up the other girl.

So this story ends with you getting your ass kicked by a girl? Just checking.

OP's gender is not specified, reasonable to assume they are also female. It's certainly at least 50/50.

decidedlyvague 11

YDI, you don't hit women. Ever. Saying you got into a fistfight with a girl implies you were swinging back. Unless she was just punching you, then your brother probably wanted to hook up with her, and felt like if he played it off as helping her, then he could swoop in there and snag a number. Or he just hates you

decidedlyvague 11

In hindsight, you might be a girl. In that case I'm really confused.

whitey53 5