By unknown - 15/06/2011 10:20 - United States

Today, I went to a concert with my boyfriend. I was repeatedly ass-grabbed, grinded on and hit on by guys. My boyfriend's response was, "As long as they continue to bring you free beer, let them get a little feel of what they are paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 446
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they find you attractive. and you get free beer!


Obviously you're hot enough for random dudes to buy you beers and want to grind on you, and your boyfriend's like, "Yeah dude, enjoy it, because *I'm* the one tapping it." Winning, much?

lita09_fml 0

I agree; he was just proud of what he has and what they can't have.....if you didn't like it should of stood up for yourself.....your not gonna find a guy out there anymore that actually does that anymore; it's all about who has a bigger dick and the hottest girlfriend...believe me I know...I'm a stripper lol; I see it all the time.

tellis1187 0

looks like u got a real winner..........mayb u need to trade up

I think your all over reacting about the BF's reactions. if he has a hot girlfriend and he knows it, then he should be comftorable with others flirting. If he was offended at some point I'm sure he would have stood up or her. But this is coming from a guy with an open relationship, that has developed over 4 years of maybe you all just aren't mature enough for that.

televishun 7

wow, 86..... wow. I think she was more upset about being treated LIKE AN OBJECT. It doesn't matter what her boyfriend is comfortable with... she is NOT a belonging of his to be passed around at his leisure. she's a human being and he should have seen that she was uncomfortable with being touched AGAINST HER WILL, which, by the way is assault, and perhaps, done something to defuse the situation.

SOFTBALLLclovers 0

you got free beer. be happy. lol. but fyl

kangaru1 0

why is he still your bf??????

rezzel 0

i would be in jail for assault if someone did that to my gf just saying

ChuckNorrisBeard 0

he doesn't care that they have a sample of you...on the condition that he doesn't have to pay for your drinks. he's using logic