By unknown - 15/06/2011 10:20 - United States

Today, I went to a concert with my boyfriend. I was repeatedly ass-grabbed, grinded on and hit on by guys. My boyfriend's response was, "As long as they continue to bring you free beer, let them get a little feel of what they are paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 446
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they find you attractive. and you get free beer!


YDI guys who hit on girls with BFs usually work in groups and are sometimes just doing it to fight. you need to realize that your BFs options are limited unless it is some lone creeper (unlikely). also if you are one of those girls that likes to see men fight over her than fuuck yourself.

GypsyHearted 2

You realize guys can defend their girlfriends without fighting, don't you? It's about morale.

What reaction do you expect from drunk assholes when some guy puffs up like a peacock and says stay away from my girl? They will probably fight him just for sport. I used to work with guys who would slap girl's asses just to fight their boyfriends. Expecting complete strangers to be reasonable is asking to be dissapointed, especially when they were hitting on her earlier when they probably knew she had a boyfriend. Also I think you meant morals, and my point is you can expect strangers to have any morals.

There's nothing in the FML that suggests she wanted him to fight the guys. That would be an incredibly stupid option. The problem here is that he disrespected his own girlfriend and essentially treated her as an object to be bought and used by men, rather than a real person. All he had to do was say "Those guys are assholes honey, let's move away from them", but instead he decided to take the side of the men who were sexually harassing/assaulting his girlfriend.

Erm at least he wasn't getting you kicked out for decking people in the face. and you know he's not the jealous type....or maybe he was just drunk?

When I used to go to concerts with hotties if there were guys getting close like that I would stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Then if someone tries to grab her ass they end up grabbing big juicy **** and are traumatized for life. They probably end up turning gay and its more hotties for me!

I love beer but would never let someone feel up my gf for free beer. that dudes and asshole OP yoou deserve better.

Hopefully he's now your ex-boyfriend. If you're still with him and take crap like this on a regular basis, then you deserve it. Stand up for yourself, sistah.