By unknown - 15/06/2011 10:20 - United States

Today, I went to a concert with my boyfriend. I was repeatedly ass-grabbed, grinded on and hit on by guys. My boyfriend's response was, "As long as they continue to bring you free beer, let them get a little feel of what they are paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 446
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they find you attractive. and you get free beer!


If I was at a concert getting groped by young women who gave me beer I certainly wouldn't be complaining. Enjoy it while you can. When you're 50 no one will want to touch you, even if you give them beer.

SugarCrazy 14

Perhaps you read the question wrong. Guys were giving her beer so they could grope her. I don't think anybody would enjoy that.

No, you got it wrong. I was reversing the gender in order to introduce an analogy. Men would appreciate being groped by horny women and given beer. You can grope me any time, hottie.

hmmm... well nw u know if ur boyfriend will ever stand up for u ....

daz408sjsharks 0

haha you got a sold man. was he drinking your free beer too?

Hey why are you complaining, you know you liked it!!

That should tell you something about your boyfriend.

wow, you can tell who has never been in a bar fight before from a lot of these posts; nostly a lot of young girls. They are in no way amusing and there is always a good chance someone could get seriously hurt. FY boyfriends life for trying to cool a possible confrontation with multiple dudes who will probably stomp him when he is down. I hope you realize someday he was just being smart. Plus he probably figured you would have just abandoned him in the hospital and traded him in for another guy to throw into a cockfight and see how he does there are so many ways to hate you for this OP.

born_hustla 26

if he wasn't there, it would have happened anyway. at least he dealt with it like that instead of over reacting and start a fight.- I'm short tempered and I try not to do such a thing.- the only thing I'm not too fond if is receiving drinks from strangers...I hope it was bottled drinks.

9atropos 1

I say dump him immediately. I can't even imagine being with someone who has that kind of opinion on women. It's sexistic! We're not things and we're not on sale. Never.

As long as it's only my ass they're really touching.. and I'm getting a free drink, I don't care. When I go to a concert I expect to get mollested in some way, shape, or form.. this is why I stopped body surfing. The drink better still have a cap on it though - I don't do roofies.

I wanna go to some concerts with you. I like your style.