By fuckalltwitardsintheface - 20/09/2012 21:34 - United States - Lindsey

Today, I went to a new dentist because I've been experiencing occasional toothache. Upon seeing my x-rays, he noticed something odd. Apparently, during a root canal a while ago, a piece of an instrument broke off, and has been lodged within ever since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 589
You deserved it 1 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** you and everyone who thinks like you. All of you are the reason why the American legal system is so royally ******.


why do I get threatened with a permaban over my comments while other people are allowed to say **** you to the OP? that being said I do completely agree w the comment that I am referencing.

Actually, when I was having my wisdom teeth cut out, they cut my cheek and it had to have a couple stitches. Instead of apologizing, they informed my parents we were being billed for the extra time, anesthetic, and stitches. So I doubt they knocked anything off OP's price.

On the bright side - you could easily sue them :)

hopsinlove17 26

Whatever happened to "everyone makes mistakes"? It was just an accident.

ellieOphant 4

It was a joke...Jeeze people on here get so defensive and so serious....

That's because you offended an entire profession. Using prejudices is never funny. Seriously, go read a joke book or something. Saying all dentists are stupid will get you nowhere on this site.

ambylyn2010 3

Makes my tooth hurt just reading that. I had a root canal done when I was still on insurance and they didn't crown it. Now my tooth is rotting out and no insurance! Stupid dentists.

Psych101 9

60- Of course it was an accident, the dentist wasn't trying to do it. However, they are still responsible for their actions, intentional or not. For example, if a surgeon accidentally leaves a piece of equipment in someone and it causes an infection, the surgeon is still responsible for it.

ambylyn2010 3

Btw not calling all dentists stupid! Just the one who messed my tooth up.

hopsinlove17 26

I know, but I hate how people jump to the "sue card". I'm sure it's a quick fix and he should do it for free. I know I would to save my assO.O