By ugh - 21/01/2014 18:55 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I went to an important job interview. I was really anxious but tried to soldier on anyway. When I was called in, my nerves got so bad that I reverted to speaking my second language. Not first, second. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 458
You deserved it 6 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being trilingual, this happens to me quite often. Mainly speaking French in English class. Speaking my third language in my second language class? Logic. :)

thatonegirlnic 10

Pretty sure being bilingual is a positive thing in most job interviews.


It might just work out for you...being bilingual is always a plus!

JMichael 25

Ask them if they would be so kind as to let you try again.

Well that may give you an edge you'll see OP...

What was the second language? That's the important thing here...

let's swing a common sense guess. posted in Japan, written in English....hmm

Ali_Br_fml 33

The iOs official app sucks. It doesn't tell the location. I have to use the android app to see that it was posted in Japan.

"Mr. John Smith, your interview for the position Anti-Spanish Director is next." "Si. Muchas gracias.. Oh errrr..."

At least you didn't say "job of shit" on French. Cheer up OP, you'll get the job. you probably impressed them ;D

I dunno; I'm impressed. When my nerves seize up, I can barely speak my first language.

Well if you don't get the job, Just reapply after some time. Hopefully they forget and you get the job

Chances are, if they are doing interviews, they are no longer accepting applications.

I thought being bilingual was a good thing at most jobs

Hopefully you've ended up impressing them xP Not everyone can speak 2 languages!