By Gbeat411 - 25/06/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I went to boxing and this hot chick asked me if I was wearing a sports cup. I replied yes, when I wasn't. I thought she was going to check with her hand and feel. She checked with her knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 010
You deserved it 71 264

Same thing different taste


roses are red lemons are sour open your legs and give me an hour

dridri97 0

u r disgusting OP such a perv

Your disgusting. I'm glad she kneed you in the balls you loser.

When you assume, you make an ass out of both u and your nuts.

chapachristina4 0

ydi for being such a dirty sleeze. just waiting and hoping some chick will unknowingly touch ur junk thinking it's a cup. how sad are you.....

gravygecko 2

YDI for taking a boxing class with chicks. It must be a real challenge.

Why the hell would she check with her hand? Time to quit dreamin, come back to reality, and quit being such a wishful dipshit OP.