By LilShawty2000 - 24/02/2009 05:30 - United States

Today, I went to chill with my best guy friend and his girlfriend, whom I recently met after I moved to the area. After a few beers, my buddy leaned over and tried to make out with me. I quickly backed up and shockingly looked over at his girlfriend to expect the same reaction. She winked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 824
You deserved it 7 919

Same thing different taste


Wait.. what? Was she fugly or am i missing something?

Silas_fml 0

Were you having these beers at a Swinger's club? That would have been your first clue.

alwaysalady 0

I thought it was common courtesy to ask *before* you start the threesome.

hahaha, I think it's creepier that his GF actually winked at you xD

Cortney 0

it's not as bad as you probably think it is.

I was like "yeah, **** your life" when I thought the OP was a guy.. but if it's a girl, what the hell is the problem? THREESOME!