By Manu - 14/02/2017 09:00 - United States - Columbia

Today, I went to get my first manicure. While waiting, I looked at the menu board. When I wondered aloud: "I know what a French manicure is, but what on Earth is a Polish change?" The whole place started laughing and I guess I'm not going back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 778
You deserved it 1 619

Same thing different taste

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I guess you won't be Russian back there until you Czech your pronunciation.

jcash52426 5

Polish change is put REALLY HOT wax on your balls and remove all the hairs. It when they change the color of your nails.


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Gosh I wish I could down-vote this a few more dozen times.

runswithlions 3

You're calling someone "stupid"??? Coming from someone who displays their intellectual typing skills and grammar poorly? Lol Pathetic. Get bent, Chucklefuck.

Chucklefuck... I have to remember that one...

no big deal OP, laugh it off and move on, don't let embarrassment cripple you, you'll be a stronger person if you just played to it.

Twisted_Angel 17

Do you get your nails done often, Anaheimangels40? It's okay, we don't judge. I'm sure your nails look great for all the games you go to... alone.

If it helps... I had to Google it to realise what it was and now I feel dumb af.